advent day two

Advent Day TWO~

Every one of you, hide among the rocks and in the ground,
Because the LORD is fearsome, marvelous, and glorious.
When the LORD comes, everyone who is proud will be made humble,
And the LORD alone will be honoured.
The LORD All-Powerful has chosen a day
When those who are proud and conceited will be put down

Isaiah 2: 10-12

What are we waiting for?

Its good to remind ourselves 
of who God is.
What words would you use to describe God? Glorious?...Marvellous?...Fearsome?
Try to spend some time today in a place where you can see something of God’s glory– it might be at the sea, under a starry night sky, watching a sunset or down on your hands and knees with the insects.

God created this world we live in.
He controls it, orders it, sustains it.
He breathed life into our bodies– and He will decide when life leaves us.
This is the LORD we worship.
And he has chosen a day to return to earth in unmistakable power and glory.
The angel choirs who sang to shepherds on a hill outside Bethlehem were nothing to the massed choirs and orchestras who will announce that day.

At the beginning of this Advent season, before we become too immersed in the story of the baby Jesus, God made man, let’s think of God as God.

We wait for Christmas Day.
But beyond that, we wait for Christ coming again in glory.

And when the LORD comes with all his people, I pray that he will make your hearts pure and innocent in the sight of God the Father.

1 Thessalonians 3:13

The Lord is fearsome….marvellous…glorious

The LORD is fearsome...marvelous...glorious


  1. Other names...

    The Mighty God
    The Everlasting Father
    The Prince of Peace

  2. Not anonymous anymore

    Those words from Isaiah 2 and favourite words to sing in Handel Messiah were from me!

  3. this is so are the first person who has posted a comment on my blog! thank-you! it's great to know you are still using these reflections, and sharing them with a friend. I gave them to a new friend of mine this year too. We went together to hear a local choir sing Karl Jenkins' Requiem...beautiful music.


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