Walking through Lent with Jesus

A Pilgrimage to the Cross

Walking through Lent with Jesus

Thursday 10th March

Anyone who enters upon Christ’s way will discover who Jesus really is: and anyone who really believes in Jesus as the Christ of God will follow him along the way he himself took.
                                               Jurgen Moltmann ‘The Way of Jesus Christ’ p. xiv

This is an exciting and challenging idea- that we might discover who Jesus really is.
All at once, questions come crowding in-
I know who Jesus is already, what else is there to discover?
What if I don’t like what I find?
Can anyone really know who Jesus is?

Discovering who someone really is, is a dynamic process. It starts exactly where we are in our relationship with them- however much or little we think we know. And as we share a few steps of our life with them, we begin to discover more about them. We have coffee together, we play squash, we phone them with some news…. And at each step, we find out more about who they are, what they believe, how they engage with us.

Why not invite Jesus to walk with you today? To walk into the office with you and listen to your colleagues…… to sit and watch TV with you, and see how it makes you feel….to hold hands with your children, go out on a run, get stuck in a traffic jam….

Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them.
                                                             Luke 24: 13, 14, 15


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