Christmas Eve: a letter to Paul

From Hilary, a 21st century pilgrim on the same journey that you took, towards Jesus- the light of the world.
To Paul, with thanks for your inspiration, your honesty about who you were and who you began to be, and the struggles, challenges and learning you faced on that journey.

I've been wondering why you never mention the events surrounding the birth of Jesus in your letters.
Would you be surprised if you visited us this evening, and saw how much Christmas means, and how it is celebrated all over the world?
I wonder if you would be frustrated that we had turned it into such a tradition- you never had much time for traditions, especially if they took our eyes off the truth of who Jesus was.
Your gaze looked forward, rather than backwards, eagerly anticipating when Jesus would be revealed to the whole world as the King. You wrote about how every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord- and if those knees are not bowed in worship, they will be bowed trembling at the realisation that their days of ruling are at an end.
It's that future that Advent awaits- the hope that was kindled as a tiny spark, a baby in a manger, then was fanned into a flame by the courage and witness of believers such as you, Paul, and passed on through centuries of faithful women and men until it comes to us, here and now.

I pray that we, who celebrate the coming to earth of Jesus in Bethlehem, might look forward to that day when He comes again in glory, and that we might raise our voices together with you and all the saints, singing

Glory to God in the Highest!


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