a journey with a destination in mind
A Pilgrimage to the Cross
Walking through Lent with Jesus
Friday 11th March
When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.
Luke 9: 51
Jesus’ journey had a destination. This is only chapter 9 of Luke’s 24 chapters, but already the direction of Jesus’ life is clear- he set his face to go to Jerusalem. His journey, complete with all the detours, interruptions and pauses, was intentional- he was heading to Jerusalem.
What is our destination? What decides the direction of our lives? Are we driven by ambition, an urge to succeed, to chase the next promotion, impress the boss? Do we desire more than anything else to be liked, so our lives are directed by our need to be popular? Do we feel out of control of the direction of our lives, buffeted by circumstances or others’ needs?
What would it be like if, for this season of Lent, we deliberately looked where we were going?
What would it mean for us to set our faces- and where would we set them to go?
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