Looking forward to Lent......
A Pilgrimage to the Cross
Walking through Lent with Jesus
Jesus was a man with a mission.
He came, not only to tell people about God, not only to heal the sick and feed the hungry, and not only to do miracles.
He came to save his people from their sins, as Gabriel told Joseph in Matt 1:21.
His mission only slowly became obvious to those around him, and even when Jesus talked about it, they struggled to understand it.
I wonder how often we too avoid the cross. We want to get on with the everyday business of living, and we haven’t got the time, or the inclination, to think about dying.
Lent offers us time.
For 40 days, let’s take the time to follow in Jesus’ footsteps as he heads to Calvary.
Think of it as a virtual pilgrimage- no need to pack a rucksack, break in those walking boots or buy stocks of Kendall Mint Cake. All we need is a few minutes each day to take a walk with Jesus, or maybe a walk in our world, and head towards the cross, one step at a time.
I hope you will join me for a pilgrimage to the Cross.
We begin tomorrow, with a pancake party to see us off!
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