prodigal blessing

A Pilgrimage to the Cross

Walking through Lent with Jesus

It’s the weekend!

Saturday 2nd April/ Sunday 3rd April

May you always know
Where the road home begins
And have the courage to walk the first mile
May you never be too far from a lifeline
And never too far gone to dial

This weekend, ask yourself

   What direction am I walking in?
    Where is my journey leading me?

In this season of Lent, ask God to speak to you.
Ask Him to show you where you belong.
Know that you will never have been away for too long to dial….

May you trip over truth
And fall headlong into hope.
May redemption rain down all around you.
May God’s glory catch you napping
And God’s story catch your breath
And God’s gratuity perpetually astound you.

                  ‘Prodigal Blessing’  Gerard Kelly


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