a paradox

A Pilgrimage to the Cross

Walking through Lent with Jesus

Thursday 7th April

Those who try to make their life secure will lose it, but those who lose their life will keep it.

                                    Luke 17:33

The closer Jesus gets to Jerusalem, the harder his words seem to become. There is a sense of urgency now- his disciples have not got much time left with him, and it is important that they hear the truth. Even if they do not understand it at the time, it is important that they hear it- for how else would they remember, and repeat those words, so that we can still read them today.

So here is a paradox, which even 2000 years later sounds shocking, and counter-intuitive. Every fibre of our humanity tells us it makes sense to seek security, to do the best we can for ourselves and our families.

But Jesus tells us the reverse is true- that this life here is not the only reality, and if we cling too tightly to what this life offers, we will miss out on the greater promise of the kingdom. 


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