advent day twenty-one

When Herod found out that the wise men from the east had tricked him,he was very angry. He gave orders for his men to kill all the boys who lived in or near Bethlehem and were two years old and younger.

Matthew 2: 16

Good News?
When the angels appeared on the hillside, they promised that the birth of the child in Bethlehem would bring peace on earth. But straight away his birth is causing conflict. Mary and Joseph cannot return home, they have to flee as refugees to Egypt to escape from Herod’s cruel and jealous actions. For neither Jesus, his family or his followers was there much peace. Around the world today, the name of Jesus provokes conflict as often as peace. 

Even at Christmas, we are told there is often more domestic violence and discord than at any other time.

There is something more uncomfortable than comforting about God’s intrusion into human affairs. It stirs up emotions which can soon turn nasty. It confronts us with who we really are.

Perhaps before peace comes truth. Real peace can never be achieved whilst there are lies, pretence or superficiality. Do we dare let the Light of the World shine on us?

Simeon said, “This child of yours will cause many people in Israel to fall and others to stand. The child will be like a warning sign. Many people will reject him, and you, Mary, will suffer  as though you had been stabbed by a dagger. But all this will show what people are really thinking."  
Luke 2: 34, 35

Shine, Jesus, shine!


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