Creativity and Community

Genesis chapters 1 and 2 give us two accounts of Creation- chapter 1 is the big picture, written as poetry with the rhythm and shape of the writing mirroring the order and beauty of the act of creation. Chapter 2 tells a story, and in doing so reveals some ideas about the people we were created to be.

The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.
Genesis 2:15

One of the first things we learn about God from Genesis is that He is a creator. He creates the world with abundance, beauty, extravagance and at the same time, purpose and order. When man is made in His image, he is also given the task of creating beauty and order, in the garden of Eden.

Then the LORD God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.'  Genesis 2:18

At the beginning of John's gospel we read that God was not alone when He created the world- God was three persons, Father, Son and Spirit. Man also was not created to be alone- first God creates animals to surround him and finally a woman to be his companion.

At the beginning of time, humans are given a purpose and a community. They are created to bring beauty, order and productivity to their world, and to do it together. These humans are not robots, robbed of choice and options- rather, they are placed into the ideal conditions for flourishing. They have each other, and they have unimaginable potential all around them.

In whatever you do today, look for echoes of these things....opportunities to be creative, to bring beauty and order to where you work, live or visit; and celebrate the people that are alongside you.


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