Travelling through Lent....getting started

This year during Lent I want to read again some of the stories of God's people.
It is as we tell our story that we begin to understand who we are, where we have come from and where we are going, and as we listen to others's stories we hear echoes of our own. So much of my story involves travelling, because I am an Expat who has lived now in three countries, and those around me are often asking questions about the journey that we find ourselves on. Travelling can reveal so much about who we are, through both the challenges and the excitement that it brings, and I find it inspiring that so often the stories of God's people are of people on the move- from the journey of Adam and Eve out of Eden, to the foundational Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land, and Jesus' own journey towards Jerusalem and ultimately the Cross.

So as I look forward to this season of Lent, I begin with some questions-

  • Did God mean for his people to be always on the move?
  • Is there something important that we can only learn by travelling?
  • What's the right balance between the journey and the destination?


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