A sample of Mark Driscoll's views on women

I have read Driscoll's chapter 'How Sharp the Edge? Christ, Controversy, and Cutting Words' in The Power of Words and the Wonder of God, and was very disturbed. Driscoll talks about the need for church leaders and preachers to speak 'tough and tender words', and goes on to give examples of what he considers those tough words should be. Unfortunately, he devotes an inordinate amount of time to examining Old Testament passages which criticize women. Here's an example-

Virtually the entire book of Amos is a rebuke to swine. The painfully devastating satire is pointed at rich women who are fat cows and get drunk at concerts and act like Paris Hilton's BFF. (p. 85)

And here's another-

Proverbs is littered with similar rebukes to swine. Scattered throughout the book are repeated rebukes of loud women, whoring women, foolish women, nagging women, and contentious women. Some of the best rebukes are reserved for women who are impossible to live with. (p. 86)

I'm not sure what's going on here, but it sounds like Driscoll has a problem with women. I've heard that he is a controversial figure, and I think I need to find out a bit more about him.


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