From camels to cul-de-sacs
Why should we be interested in what happened to Abraham thousands of years ago? It might not even have actually happened, of course- does that make it even more irrelevant? If we do believe it matters, it is still so hard to make the leap from the life of a middle eastern nomad to our own comfortable, settled lives today. Just because God called Abraham to a life as a traveller doesn't mean He still calls His people to travel today, does it? In Deuteronomy, we read an early creed. God's people came before God in worship with these words: " A wandering Aramean was my ancestor..." Deuteronomy 26:5 Their story begins with the travels of Abraham, and somehow the fact that he was a traveller is significant. Maybe it mattered because the people who heard this were still on a journey, out of Egypt. And maybe that's why it continues to matter. Even if we are not on a physical journey from one place to another, we often use the metaphor of travel to make sense of...